Manchester Alexander Technique
Training School
Est. 2001
Lessons in the Alexander Technique
"The Alexander Technique gives us all the things we have been looking for in a system of physical education; relief from strain due to maladjustment and consequent improvement in physical and mental health; and along with this a heightening of consciousness on all levels. We cannot ask more from any system; nor, if we seriously desire to alter human beings in a desirable direction, can we ask any less."
Aldous Huxley

​Lessons in the Alexander Technique are usually given on a one-to-one basis so that you can work with your teacher on your own habits of movement. Group classes can provide a useful introduction, although they are not a substitute for the individual guidance needed to learn the Alexander Technique unless there is high ratio of teachers to students. Please note that there is almost no evidence for the effectiveness of online lessons.
"The Alexander Technique teaches you how to bring more practical intelligence into whatever you are already doing." (Jones 1976) It is a tried and tested method for improving performance in all activities and is a self-help method for resolving a wide range of functional, ‘use-related’ health problems. The Alexander Technique is best learned through taking an introductory course of 20-30 individual lessons, although a few can make a difference. Lessons usually last about 40 minutes and fees generally range from £50 - £90 (2024) outside London.
Although originally conceived as a method for improving skilled performance, it quickly became obvious that the A.T. was remarkably effective at helping people with a wide range of health problems where the way that a person uses themselves affects how well they function. More recently this has been supported with large, randomised studies published in major medical journals showing that lessons are highly effective for conditions such as chronic low back pain and neck pain, as well as helping with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. For example, lessons reduced days of back pain by 86% at a 12 month follow-up. There is a clear overview of the research evidence here.
Many of the teachers in the Greater Manchester and surrounding areas are contributors at MATTS and some of these teachers are available for individual lessons at our main site in Wilmslow as well as throughout the region. You can find their details on the Training Team page.
A full searchable list of teachers is available on the website of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT).
We also maintain a list of group classes in the area.
Students with an interest in training as a teacher and very experienced students interested in advanced group study (and less experienced students on the recommendation of their teacher) are welcome at our classes. Contact us to arrange a first visit.
For more detailed information about the Alexander Technique visit the STAT website or, for a brief introduction, FAQs about lessons, a summary of clinical studies, quotes by well-known people about the AT, information about local group classes and much more, visit Peter Bloch's website.