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Welcome to our area for Members!


Our Members' area is open to all AT teachers, all AT trainee teachers (from any training course) and to students who attend our classes. Sign-in.


The News/Update Page is an ongoing list of posts with MATTS and general AT news, plus other interesting information. The most recent posts are at the top of the page. Requires log-in.


The Gallery Pages, with pictures of "Old MATTS" (from 2001), "New MATTS" (from 2021) and "Other Photos" of interest to AT teachers and students. Requires log-in.


The Video Library Pages include links to many of the videos and audios that we have collected over the course of our Zoom Classes during the pandemic and some of our classes since then. Requires log-in.


The Resources Page is a collection of downloadable books, articles and other items of interest to trainees and teachers. You do not need to log-in to view this page.

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