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Alexander Technique Resources

​​Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT)

The Society was established in 1958 and is the original and largest representative and regulatory professional body for Alexander teachers. STAT represents the great majority of teachers in the UK. There is a full searchable list of teachers available here.


STAT-approved training courses for teachers

A list of STAT-approved teacher training courses in the UK and abroad.


​​Alexander Studies Online

​An initiative of the Scientific Research Group of the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, this website provides a platform where people with a scientific and/or scholarly interest in all aspects of the Alexander Technique can exchange information, ideas, experience and proposals.


Research Overview by Julia Woodman

A clearly presented, fully referenced and up to date overview of the scientific research on the Alexander Technique. Julia Woodman is a teacher and trainer of teachers of the A.T. based in Edinburgh who is also a science researcher and medical writer. She is either the lead author or a contributing writer of many of the most important research publications on the A.T.


Mouritz website As well as containing a first-class, comprehensive, efficiently run AT bookshop, this website is the first port of call for almost any research on the AT. With its "AT Companion", Bibliography, Library and Shop it is without doubt the most comprehensive, scholarly, accessible and well-presented source of information available on the Alexander Technique.


A quite good introduction to the AT by Pedro de Alcantara, AT teacher and cellist, with several very lucid explanations, which attempts to define the usual AT terms (such as inhibition and direction) clearly.


​The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique - An interesting, although sometimes hard to navigate, A.T. resource and information site.


Alexander in Education

A dedicated website of the Society of the Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT).

"The Alexander Technique is taught worldwide in schools, colleges and universities, and is a powerful aid for children and young people.  It reawakens natural poise so that minds and bodies can work in harmony to counter stress in our environment. It substitutes habitual tensions with a free-flowing coordination, and thus has a wide range of applications for young people. These include:

  •    cultivating mental and emotional health

  •    enabling resilience and self-confidence

  •    developing a balanced approach to academic work

  •    enhancing performance in sport, music and public speaking

  •    dealing with neck, shoulder and back pain

  •    promoting social skills"


A Handbook for Musicians Learning the Alexander Technique

​A personal view for musicians, music students and their teachers, by Malcolm Williamson.

Malcolm Williamson studied at the Royal College of music and played the viola with major orchestras before training as a teacher of the Alexander Technique. He has been teaching at the Royal Northern College of Music since 1985.


Other webpages of interest:

An excellent video outlining the history and principles of the AT

A very good BBC television programme featuring the AT (2017)

STAT on YouTube

Friends of the Alexander Technique

The Alexander Trust

Backcare - a back pain charity

BBC article on the Alexander Technique

BBC video on the Alexander Technique

BBC video on the Alexander Technique

Guardian newspaper article on A.T.

Guardian newspaper article on A.T.


There are many more resources, on a webpage intended principally for teachers, trainee teachers and advanced students of the Alexander Technique.

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